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Volunteer Opportunities


CBC has plenty of volunteer opportunities for those who have already been involved with horses, to those who have no experience in horses, yet just love to be around them! No Horse Experience is required, and training will be provided as needed.


CBC is always looking for fun, high-spirited, motivated individuals to join the CBC Family!


By now, you may be wondering what volunteers can do to help CBC. So, here it goes:


-Grooming Horses

-Feeding Horses

-Preparing Horses for Lessons

-Keeping the tack/equipment room neat and Tidy

-Assisting in Lessons

-Cleaning tack and Equipment

-Helping with Set up and Tear down for the day

-Stall Cleaning


The General times that volunteers are needed are need are during Weekday and Weekend  Early mornings to mid afternoons. Fridays, we take off!



To become a volunteer, it is required that all volunteers go through an orientation for safety. Please contact CBC Staff for the next volunteer orientation.


In addition, Please complete and submit a volunteer information form so that we can have your information on file. 


Thank you so much for your interest and willingness to be a CBC Volunteer!

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