CBC Internship Program
This internship is a great opportunity for individuals to further their riding skills, training techniques and teaching abilities. In addition, interns will be exposed to general horse care knowledge and stable management skills by working directly with the trainer, barn manager, horse owners, clients, and other equine professionals.
There are 3 different levels of interns: Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. One is more than welcome to start out as a Junior Intern and work their way up to a Senior intern. However, this is not a requirement. Individuals are also able to begin at Junior and Senior level interns if the requirements in regards to horse experience are met.
Junior Level Interns:
The Junior level internship is the introduction and application of general Horsemanship Skills.
• Duration: Minimum 1 month
• Cost: $100
• Time Requirements: 3 Days a week
• Spaces Available: 2
Junior level Interns will be responsible for Basic Equine Welfare and Barn Duties.
To become a Junior level intern, one does not need horse experience. If a junior level intern would like to gain or enhance their horseback riding and horsemanship skills, they are welcome to take lessons within the CBC Horseback Riding Academy, at the academy’s normal price.
Intermediate Level Interns
The intermediate level internship is the application of general Horsemanship Skills and Intermediate to advanced riding skills, as well as the introduction to stable management, giving riding lessons, and Equine Welfare.
• Duration: 2 Months
• Cost: $300/month
• Time Requirements: 3 days a week
• Spaces Available: 2
Intermediate level interns will be responsible for Basic Equine Welfare, Ground Handling and Training, and Tune-ups as needed. Intermediate level interns will also begin to help Head trainer and Senior Level interns with lessons.
Intermediate Level Intern Applicants must submit the most current video of their riding, or can set a date for CBC Staff to view the applicants riding in real time. Intermediate level applicants must also be able to fully display the ability to complete all tasks at the Junior intern level.
Senior Level Interns
The Senior level internship is the application of general Horsemanship Skills, advanced riding skills, stable management, giving riding lessons and, Equine Welfare and Management.
• Duration: 3 months
• Cost $500/month
• Time Requirements: Minimum 5 days a week
• Spaces Available: 1
Senior level interns will be responsible for Complete Equine Welfare, Schooling and training of horses, Stable Management, and assisting in running the lesson program.
Senior Level Intern Applicants must submit the most current video of their riding, or can set a date for CBC Staff to view the applicants riding in real time. Intermediate level applicants must also be able to fully display the ability to complete all tasks at both the Junior and Intermediate intern level.
Interns are more than welcome to bring their own horse. However, any intern that would like to bring their own horse must be approved by CBC Staff to ensure that the horse will be a good fit to be successful in the internhip program.
Students who are enrolled in the Riding Academy will have the ability to apply to be an Intern at any time during their enrollment, based on a timeline that relates to each level of intern.
If an intern is participating in a college major with a focus on Equine Studies, CBC will work to best help support the student in their area of study according to the curriculum.
Internships will run in 3 month Intervals:
Interns will have to complete and submit an application packet to CBCEquine@gmail.com, or deliver one in person. Once application is reviewed, an interview will be scheduled for CBC Staff to meet with the potential intern. Spaces for interns are limited, as each intern has a program designed to specifically meet the needs and goals of the individual.